We Honor Our Abrakadoodle Families & Host Sites
From Abrakadoodle’s President & Co-Founder, Rosemarie Hartnett
Over the past few months we have been asked to bear what just a short time ago would have been inconceivable. As COVID-19 spread across our nation, businesses and schools closed, people lost their jobs, and many lost their lives. I would like to take a moment to personally thank our Abrakadoodle families, partner schools and the community-based sites that have continued to support the Abrakadoodle programs. As small business owners, our franchise owners have moved quickly to bring our art classes, camps and events online, provide art activities and materials to families for use at home and worked very hard to stay connected with the children and host sites counting on our programs. Even while feeling the impact on their businesses, they have still given back generously to their communities through free art classes and activities. Thank you for your continued support! We look forward to continuing to bring the very best in art education to the communities we serve!