Teachers Who Foster Creative Thinking Through Art
As families are busy settling into back-to-school activities and schedules, teachers everywhere are also busy getting to know their new students. They are tasked with the important job of implementing programs that support learning and development in the students they teach. Teachers, who recognize the value of fostering creative thinking in their new students, also know they face a class of unique individuals.
What are some of the ways a teacher can foster creativity in the classroom for all students? Partner with the students! To be successful in today’s world, children need to be active participants in their learning. Teachers who ask questions and encourage experimentation show they value the ideas of their students. It fosters interactive communication and meaningful conversation. This type of active learning invites collaboration and jumping off points for new thinking for students at all developmental levels.

Stephanie Burke of Abrakadoodle Greater Silver Spring and her arty campers show off their unique creations!
Imagine this kind of partnership in an art class where teachers invite their students to freely explore the art materials and where there is no “right” or “wrong” in the choices a student makes. A teacher who fosters this kind of learning environment fosters original thought, problem solving and innovation. A teacher who values and fosters creativity through the arts helps prepare students for our complex world, where creative thinkers are needed to meet its challenges!