Originality Elusive with Age

What happens to our ability to demonstrate creativity as we age? Outcomes from a study to determine originality in children and adults reveal dramatic drops.

According to findings from testing conducted to determine original thinking, which was presented at a NOVA University program in April 2009,

• 90% of 4-year olds showed originality
• 70% of 8-year olds showed originality
• 2% of adults showed originality

Why is originality important? Much has been written by a variety of experts in business and education in recent years about the importance of innovation. A 2009 blog article entitled, “Fostering Creativity in Education,” presents an interesting perspective:

Business visionary Dan Pink writes about the value of creativity in his books and blogs. In a 2009 article, “The Problem with Problems,” Pink calls to attention the disconnect between how educators and business leaders perceive creativity:

Can creativity be taught? The good news is: YES! Abrakadoodle art programs are designed to help children tap their imaginations. As children learn to use their creativity to see, think and create, they become empowered to apply this ability in every aspect of their lives.

Let us know what you think about creativity!